Cats can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including some that are commonly referred to as “worms.” Infestations of intestinal worms can cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes cats demonstrate few to no signs of infection, and the infestation can go undetected despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some feline parasitic worms are hazards for humane health as well.
One of the main ways that cats get worms is through the ingestion of the feces of infected felines. Mother cats can also pass on worms to their kittens.
How Will I Know If My Cat Has Worms?
1. The Silent Nature of Parasites
Many common intestinal parasites have adapted so well to their hosts (your cat), that they are living in balance and cause no visible health issues. But that can always change. It is when the parasites become too numerous that your pet’s health is affected. Because of their silent stealthy nature, the best approach is to try to keep your cat completely free of them before the balance becomes disturbed.
2. Poor Growth and Lack of Energy in Kittens
The most common early signs of intestinal parasites in kittens are poor growth, dull hair coat, scrawniness, lack of playful energy and diarrhea. Many of these kittens have bony bodies but potbellied, big tummies. Many are anemic.
3. Brittle Hair Coat
The most common signs in older cats are lack luster, brittle hair coat, boniness, listlessness and diarrhea. Some of these older cats become picky eaters, in some, the opposite occurs - they are ravenous and some show no changes in appetite at all. In adult cats with parasite problems, multiple health issues are common. Poor sanitation that leads to parasite overload also increases their risk of exposure to other diseases and because their parasite burden lessens their resistance to other diseases.
What Can I Do to Prevent Parasites in My Cat?
Parasite reinfections are very common, but can be prevented. Parasite control begins with good sanitation procedures, including daily removal of feces, washing the litter box with a disinfectant on a regular basis, avoiding overcrowded conditions, avoiding diets with raw meats, and controlling intermediate hosts (fleas, ticks, and rodents). Good parasite control is the key to a healthier cat.
- Aids the body in expelling intestinal worms and parasites
- Effective against parasites in larval and adult stages
- Relieves common symptoms of infestation such as gas, nausea, bloating, frequent diarrhea and sluggish digestion
- Stimulates healthy digestion and the production of bile
- Provides gentle and effective support in cleansing protocols
Customer Reviews
"After using Parasite Free Formula for one month, my cat started to put on some weight and she no longer suffered with diarrhea." - Michael, Austin, TX
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